Fayetteville Public Utilities (FPU) may discontinue service for the violation of any of the Schedule of Rules and Regulations (or nonpayment of utility service provided) or the Schedule of Rates and Charges. FPU may also discontinue utility service to the customer for the theft of services or the appearance of theft devices on the customer’s premise, for the safety reasons or to be compliant with any state, city or county regulations that require disconnection for safety reasons. Any and all services will be discontinued to customers with past due accounts except as provided in this policy. Payment in full (including late fee and all other associated charges) will be required before service is restored. The termination of service by FPU for any reason stated in this policy does not release the customer from the obligation for any amounts due to FPU, including the payment of minimum bills as specified in contracts.
If payment is not received by the due date on the bill, the customer will be notified by a written notice. FPU may discontinue service five days after the due date.
The “Disconnect Notice” will include the following:
1. The amount due, excluding additional charges due.
2. The last date of payment to avoid termination of service.
3. Dispute Resolution.
If the customer has elected to receive electronic presentation of their billing statement in lieu of a mailed paper statement, notice of disconnection will be sent electronically.
A customer who believes he or she has been billed in error should discuss their concern with the Manager of Customer Service. Disagreement with the charges does not relieve the customer of the obligation to pay the billed amount by the due date to avoid the application of late fees or any agreed payment plan agreed thereafter. Any dispute not resolved by the Manager of Customer Service shall be elevated to the CEO/General Manager or his or her designee. If a disagreement remains the customer may call (931) 433-1522 and request to meet in person during normal business hours. In the event the dispute persists, the customer may provide a written notice to meet with the Board of Directors at its next regularly scheduled meeting.